Not only should you refresh those areas to make sure you are not caught out due to overconfidence in the exam, but there may be certain topics or elements within the general subject or module that you are less familiar with. 你不仅应该温习这些强项内容以确保自己不因为过度自信而失足,而且有可能这些广泛科目或者版块下有些特定的课题和知识点你还不太熟悉。
The course of college vocational guidance is a general subject which combines quality education with vocational education. Meanwhile, it can strengthen the employability of the college students. 高校职业指导课是素质教育与职业教育相结合的公共课程,对于加强学生的就业能力具有重要意义。
There is a vast amount of literature on this general subject so-called organisation theory. 有大量著述是关于一个泛泛的主题的,即所谓的“组织理论”。
Contradictions of all kinds will crop up in the process and we should discover and overcome them in good time. The general subject here is the correct handling of contradictions among the people and those between ourselves and the enemy. 试验中间会出现各种矛盾,我们要及时发现和克服这些矛盾。总题目是正确地处理人民内部的矛盾和正确地处理敌我矛盾。
Why searching on Graf results in Web pages on general subject of tennis? 为什么搜索格拉夫的最终结果是网球的一般项目?
All subjects are in fact belonging to one general subject of art and aesthetics. 人类所有学科俱系于一纲,都是一种艺术、一种美学。
This calendar provides the course's lecture and recitation topics, organized under general subject headings, and links to corresponding assignments. 本课程表提供了课程讲义和阅读作业,按科目的标题排列,并有相关的作业安排的链接。
The general subject here is the correct handling of contradictions among the people and those between ourselves and the enemy. 总题目是正确地处理人民内部的矛盾和正确地处理敌我矛盾。
On general subject, he thought, as value subject, different human being have different value hi the societies, everyone should strengthen self-remoulding and self-perfecting to raise his own social value constantly; 就一般主体而言,他认为人作为价值主体在社会中具有不同的价值,应不断加强自我改造和完善以提高自己的社会价值;
The Party construction in non-public enterprises is one part of the general subject of Party construction, but it is also a relatively independent subject because it has its responsibility position under the guidance of general principles and its peculiar laws and features. 非公有制企业党建工作属于党的建设总课题范畴,但它又是一个相对独立的课题,既有一般性原理指导的职责定位,又有其特殊的内在规律和特点。
The contradiction between subject and object of management not only has the common characteristics of contradiction between general subject and object, but also has its special forms and contents, and its manifestation is also different. 管理主客体矛盾不仅具有一般主客体矛盾的共同特点,还有其特殊的形式和内容,其现实表现也不尽相同。
The subject of the crime is general subject with deliberate intent, while awareness of state-owned archives only requires general acknowledgement. 本罪主体为一般主体,在主观方面表现为故意,而对国有档案的明知只要求有盖然性认识即可。
The theory of System Science is a general subject including General System Theory, Cybernetics, Information Theory and other interrelated theories, which provides us a macroscopical and effective angle of view. 系统科学理论是包含一般系统论、控制论、信息论等在内的一系列相关理论的总称,系统科学的思想方法为我们提供了宏观而又有效的整体分析视角。
The subject of the crime is general subject; 本罪的主体是一般主体;
Subject of this is the insured or beneficiary while someone else thinks it is general subject. 主体是投保人、被保险人或受益人,也有人认为是一般主体。
And three cognitive complexity measurements in general subject and three kinds of analysis in intersubject were presented. 给出了一般主体意义下的三种认识复杂性度量和主体间性意义下的认识复杂性的三种分析。
The subject of the crime is general subject but not special subject. 在本文中,主张如下:本罪主体为一般主体而不是特殊主体;
In my opinion, the subject of the accident crime of great environmental pollution is a general subject; 本人认为:重大环境污染事故罪的主体为一般主体;
Under the general subject of public personnel administration, it covers almost all the aspects: training, awarding and punishing, promotion, security and health, salary and welfare and social insurance. 在公共部门人力资源保障管理这一总的主题之下,几乎涉及到了公共部门人力资源管理各个环节的内容:培训、奖惩、职务晋升、安全与健康、工资和福利、社会保险。
Chatter phenomenon on cold tandem rolling mills is a general subject that is concerned about by the world. 冷连轧的颤振现象是世界各国普遍关心的课题。
These thought and views can be summed up hi three aspects: Thought about general subject; 这些思想和观点可以集中归结为三个方面:关于一般主体的思想;
Besides the features of the general subject, Chinese subject owns its multidimensional characteristics. 语文学科不仅具有一般学科的特点,还具有其自身特有的多元化的特点。
The general subject discusses is the paper logical beginning, which is mainly discusses some subject elementary theory questions. 一般主体论是论文的逻辑起点,主要是讨论一些主体的基本理论问题。
The subject of a crime, the subject of a crime is considered a general subject, specifically includes not only drivers, but also including non-driving staff. 在犯罪主体方面,认为犯罪主体是一般主体,具体来说不仅包括驾驶人员,还包括非驾驶人员。
Actors in this crime is a general subject, although minors are protected object of this crime, but does not exclude minors over the age of 16 may also be possible subject of this crime. 本罪的行为主体是一般主体,虽然未成年人是本罪的保护对象,但不排除16周岁以上的未成年人也可成为本罪主体的可能。
The main body of fire accident responsibility for the general subject, in the part of the article focused on the subject of this crime is a special or general subject. 消防责任事故罪的主体为一般主体,在该部分本文重点讨论了本罪是特殊主体还是一般主体。
On the subject aspect, the author believes that the subject of the crime of dangerous driving is general subject. 在主体方面,笔者认为危险驾驶罪的主体是一般主体。
Second, the subject of learning for understanding is student. It is represented by integrated of their general subject and specific understanding factor. 二是理解性学习的主体即学生,其表现为一般主体性和独特的理解属性的结合。
Second point "in qing dynasty torture part, main body" qing dynasty in this paper can be used torture judicial justice general subject and method of special subject. 在第二大点清代刑讯主体部份,本文考察了清代司法中可以适用刑讯司法方法的一般主体和特殊主体。
The subject is the general subject, which means the units cannot be the subject of crime. 寻衅滋事罪的主体是一般主体,单位不能成为本罪主体。